08 May, 2009

This is going to be an interesting round of...

Friday Fill-ins. :P Also, sometime this weekend I'll be posting a rather spoiler-intensive review of the new Star Trek movie, so stay tuned.

And...here we go!

1. Apples are to oranges as Star Trek is to Star Wars.

2. The new Star Trek movie was great, and makes me want to watch Trek again, but leaves me confused and unsure as to what Trek I actually want to watch, and that's all I have to say about that. Until I write my review tomorrow or such.

3. I think I hear the sound of a great sigh of relief on the horizon.

4. Capture the flag.

5. Do what you want to do, but only insofar as it doesn't harm others or infringe on their rights-- that's my personal philosophy.

6. See, there, officer, there's the culprit right thayre, and behind him was a Radio Flyer wagon; in the wagon was a bucket filled with cream cheese! (yeah, this is a little weird. o.O)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with my Star Trek tapes, tomorrow my plans include having the grandparents here, I assume, as well as finding out my final semester grades, and Sunday, I want to sit back and do nothing while waiting for my first day of work!

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