12 February, 2009

So I've been playing some fighting games today...

Heh, not exactly fighting games, but um...well, it's a pretty popular game, you might have heard of it....

Okay, yeah, I've been playing Pokemon all week.
Don't laugh at me! It's fun...! My roommate Bree is letting me borrow her GameBoy Micro so's I can play Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. What I really want to do is snatch her GameBoy Advance and play the old Blue, Red, and Yellow-- those are the Pokemon I remember! Back in the good old days, where there were only 151 freaking Pokemon, not all these new-fangled 'Torchic' and 'Treecko' stuff. Back then, when we found a Mew, we used our Master Ball to catch it, and we didn't complain! We had to walk uphill, both ways, in the SNOW and ICE for FIFTEEN MILES just to get to a new city in our game! And we liked it, dammit!!!
Wow, that was amusing ^-^ I'm feeling kinda silly this evening, which is a LOT better than I was this afternoon. It has not been a fun week. Now I'm going to go play some more Pokemon, watch Hellsing Ultimate, Grey's Anatomy, and Speed Racer, and hopefully write some stuff. Oh, and clean up a little. That's another thing. Ugh... >< Lots to do this weekend! Aah!

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