21 March, 2009

Stole this idea from my sister...

It's this thing called 'Friday Fill-ins,' and I thought I'd give it a whirl (even though it's technically half an hour into Saturday...so what? XP )

1. Why do we have to go so long between winter break and spring break in college?

2. Checking Twitter and Facebook every five minutes while studying are now habits.

3. I have a conference this next weekend in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and the name of that town makes me giggle. A lot.

4. I had never heard the phrase "FML" and it stands for 'fuck my life'. Very handy as a college student.

5. This year, I refuse to have an end of the school breakdown the way I always do.

6. How was I to know that I'd have a hard time keeping up with a daily routine in college?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to SLEEPING!, tomorrow my plans include working on my novel and Sunday, I want to relax, fix up my iTunes library, and play NeverWinter Nights!

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