21 March, 2009

I swear I'm actually studying! Really!

Just because I'm watching the History Channel doesn't mean I'm not studying! I mean, there's this programme about stellar astronomy, and I'm reviewing a lot of my Astronomy notes by watching it. ^_^ Heh. It's really awesome when you can watch a TV special and actually know what they're talking about beforehand.

Here's an interesting story: A long time ago, when I was a kid, I had some friends that were the kids of my mum's (now former) best friend, named Josh and Jeremy. Now, when our mums lost touch, I didn't hear from them in, oh, maybe twelve years (and that's a generous estimate). Recently, though, my dad sent me a link through Facebook about Josh-- he's now a video game composer! I found his Twitter, started following him, and he actually REMEMBERS me! O_o Isn't that crazy? He also found me on Facebook, which is really cool. XD Things like that are really neat, when you can find people you used to know through the internet. Personally I think this is what the internet should be used for...but if you aren't careful, you find the cesspools of teh intarwebz such as 4chan and crap like that. Crap is being quite, quite generous when describing that....*shudders* place. I refuse to set a digital foot there. XP

Okay, yeah, the Pearl Harbor attack was bad and all, but seriously, which was worse: that, or the TWO ATOMIC BOMBS that WE dropped on JAPAN?? Not to mention that they aren't allowed a standing army, when Germany is? Hrm. Now, don't think I'm trying to defend the attack, but it just pisses me off. Everyone was in the wrong during that war. Even the Americans. I hate WWII with a passion. It's why I avoid that topic like the plague whenever I research history. Ughh. I know WAY too much about it. I mean, hell, I did a 10-page paper on Japanese militarism in sophomore year of high school. I stop liking Japanese history after the Meiji era, personally. Honestly, I just avoid modern history in general, now that I think about it, and American history as much as I can. I took AP American History, but I greatly disliked it. Ironically, I actually lied the Great Depression era of American history the most. XP Pre-Atomic Age US history and post-WWI history America is my favorite (tho' I must say my two favorite presidents, the Roosevelts, are both outside that era...haha).

Sometimes I kinda wish the History Channel would focus outside of the World Wars and European/North American history. Give me some stuff about the Chinese emperors, or the African continent prior to the disasporic slave trades! I love the stuff about the Mongols, because it's not European. At least the History Channel is getting this stuff quite accurate, which makes me happy. Okay, now I'm off my soapbox. ^^

Stole this idea from my sister...

It's this thing called 'Friday Fill-ins,' and I thought I'd give it a whirl (even though it's technically half an hour into Saturday...so what? XP )

1. Why do we have to go so long between winter break and spring break in college?

2. Checking Twitter and Facebook every five minutes while studying are now habits.

3. I have a conference this next weekend in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and the name of that town makes me giggle. A lot.

4. I had never heard the phrase "FML" and it stands for 'fuck my life'. Very handy as a college student.

5. This year, I refuse to have an end of the school breakdown the way I always do.

6. How was I to know that I'd have a hard time keeping up with a daily routine in college?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to SLEEPING!, tomorrow my plans include working on my novel and Sunday, I want to relax, fix up my iTunes library, and play NeverWinter Nights!